how far along?
38 weeks
total weight gain?
Went to the doctor today and I've actually lost a pound! I weigh 149, but have no fear- I gained that pound back right after my appointment by devouring Five Guys! I mean, you've seen how many french fries they give you, right?
stretch marks?
None that I can see, which these days isn't much. I think I'm still in the clear though!
HA! What a joke. I pretty much just sleep when I can these days, and mu child isn't even here yet! I usually am awake from about 2-4:30 AM. I usually just end up napping during the day since I know I will be up all night. I guess I better get used to it!
best moment this week
Knowing that this is the last week I will be pregnant! I can honestly say that there is not one thing I will miss about pregnancy. Trust me, I've tried to think of something but I've got nothin'!
worst moment this week?
My pinched sciatic nerve has really been a pain in the ass. Literally. Can't walk. Can't move. The only thing left for me to do is bitch and moan, which I seem to have under control these days.
Blah. That's all I have to say about that. She wants out. I want her out.
Mexican food! Thankfully I had dinner with two good friends last night and we always go to La Fiesta so it totally hit the spot. Still loving the ice cold water too!
labor signs?
Still contracting but nothing else has changed! I can't really tell how frequent they are anymore because my stomach is so hard all the time anyways just from being the size of a house.
belly button?
I gave up hope on the belly button last week. It hasn't changed much, just looks weird.
what I miss?
Being able to walk without looking like I have something stuck up my butt. It's not from the pregnancy, it's from the pinched nerve.
Exhaustion is at an all time high right now. Mix that with having 436 things to do, plus 100 degree weather and no energy to do any of it. I'm a pure joy to be around, let me tell ya!
what I'm looking forward to?
Thursday afternoon! 5:00 to be exact. That's when I head to the hospital and we get this party started! YEHAW!
weekly wisdom?
Warn your husband ahead of time that he's on his own when it comes to eating. Thankfully Adam married me knowing that I don't cook so he's pretty good about feeding himself, but I have a feeling it's about to get 10 times worse once Presley get's here.
Say it with me: STOUFFERS!
Well boys and girls, today was my last doctors appointment!
I am still only dilated 1/2 a centimeter so I am going to go in Thursday afternoon so they can give me something called Cervidil. Pretty much it's a "disk" thingy-ma-jig they put in my vag to help me dilate more. Then early Friday morning we will go on as scheduled with the induction. When I get there at 5 I will be admitted and all that junk, probably eat a big dinner with Adam, then he will most likely come back home to get one last night of good sleep. My doctor said they can give me some medicine to help me sleep, which I think is a good thing considering I probably won't sleep much on Friday. I told Adam that if I really needed him at the hospital on Thursday night that I would call him, but it should be pretty uneventful.
So, that really only leaves me tomorrow to get everything done. I still have to hang her pictures up in the nursery, go grocery shopping, and clean the house. Thursday I will probably just be lazy and make sure everything is ready to go, then I am going up to my work to get my hair washed and blow dried so I will at least look half way decent in pictures!
I will update Thursday before we head to the hospital!!!!
The last comment about getting your hair blown out before giving birth could have been wrote by yours truly.
Reply DeleteI am so excited for you, and I wish you a healthy baby and smooth labor! Get some sleep!